PussyKat Clothing & Apparel simply wish to wish you and yours Happy Holidays. I would also like
to take this opportunity to make a couple of suggestions to you. First I will start by saying this time of
year brings with it a lot of emotions, from eagerness, to happiness, generosity, and even disparity,
now if you are wondering why would the holidays make anyone distraught or feel desperation, well
there is a simple answer to that. This time of year not only enticing us as the populace to embrace
new ideals, strengthen and nurture family ties, mend old friendships and so forth, but it also causes us
to feel the need to spend. Now this is not such a bad thing as it is good for our economy, but because
of the pressure most become overwhelmed with the need to spend even though they may not be in a
position to purchase the goods they may want to get for their loved ones. Im here to tell you that this
is quite alright, even though it is nice to get a shiny new iPhone, or Alexa, or Diamonds from the
Shane Company whatever the desire trinket or good, none of it will ever compare or weigh up to the
time which you give to your loved ones during this time. Even if you have nothing more to give than
yourself a great big hug and a heartfelt I love you remember its the thought in the gift that counts not
so much the gift itself.
I felt compelled to share with you all my thoughts because i know so many people who will be
struggling to provide gifts, and food for their loved ones this season, and my heart goes out to them,
but I also wish to inform them that its usually those with less that have more to value.
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They say its not the dress that makes the woman, but the designer who made the dress.