Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Have A Dream, End Of Days Speech!!

I Have a Dream

This speech and belief has resounded throughout history since its conception in the mind of one Martin Luther King Jr. but many others throughout the history of mankind have had similar dreams and made just as prolific proclamations. Today brought on by the hysteria of worlds end or the end of our society, as we know it, I too have had a dream.

I must first admit to all that by no means am I a saint and I wouldn’t hold a candle to a righteous man, so why should these words of wisdom be adorned from the likes of me, simply because I believe that to acknowledge a problem and begin to fix the issue you must accept responsibility for being a procuring cause of that problem or at bear minimum a perpetuating force behind it.

I have been honored or more less bested with the duty of relaying this envisioning for all of man kind, My dream is simply this that Together we stand as One, or as Individuals we will surely all fall! I understand that this is not a new concept and has been dramatized throughout history in such stories as The Three Musketeers and King Arthur and his knights of Camelot, but if history has shown us anything it should be the lucidity of oneness, the power we have been enthralled with once we learn our true purpose and potential as One.

My dream that everyman and woman will be capable to be trusted with his and her own being, the conscious of others is in existence, we are all occupying the same earth and no time soon will we find an alternative. To understand that what’s best for all will indefinitely be what’s best for the individual.

Once men and women take responsibility for their own beings and become their own voices of reason, by undoubtingly choosing what’s best for all in all situations and presented scenarios. Only then will we find peace amongst ourselves, only then will we find happiness for all, only then will the fear and threat of genocide, extermination, and world annihilation become things of the past.

To understand this concept is to adopt it as your own, to own the belief that mine and your purpose here on this earth is to serve the greater good of all. Impossible would the feats throughout mans history be had it not been for the oneness of us all! Everyone has heard the saint that two minds are better than one, well reason would tell me that 7 billion minds and hearts operating on the same frequency and wave length all for the same purpose is as good as it can ever be expected to get.

Allow my words, and actions from this day forth to inspire and motivate my brothers and sisters of the world to join in on this dream that we can all live in peace and happiness if we would only adopt the belief and life practice that everything we each do as individuals will be for the benefit of all.

Some will question and be reluctant to give up old habits and will spitefully retain the self interest and corrupted thinking that doing for self will get you ahead, but I tell you that those ways and manners will soon come to an end as the massed began to collaboratively work to form a union that serves the greater good of all. Those few wishing to only serve self interest will be ousted in the process and will have to acknowledge that no matter how much you acquire on your own no power will ever trump the power of All combined as one, has not happened will not happen.

Although a dream this ideal process to become a reality will be a gradual progression, and will inevitably take on a life of its own, becoming the reality of many.

Just sit back with me for a second and visualize how much better you would feel, how much better life would be if you never felt in any way shape or form any threat of loss, hunger, famine, depression, or any known conditions that we as humans suffer from today. All these conditions will become known as the human condition, which we will elevate ourselves above no longer being burdened by them.

I it is not in the best interest of all for one man to steal another mans goods, then that action must not persist, if it is not in the best interest of all for one man to kill another man than that action must not persist, and if it is not in the greater interest of all for one ethnicity, group, or creed of people to be oppressed, segregated, or chastised for their beliefs, physical appearance, or any other conjugated reason then that action must not persist. As well if it is not in the greater interest of all for so few to possess and control essential elements to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness then that action must not persist.

In order for this dream to be realized it must be accepted, nothing that can be imposed on men, but only adopted as their own belief so that the ideal will regenerate its self within the heart and mind of the being. This dream can only be realized when the authorities and individuals in command realize that to serve the better interest of all only liberated, free, and sovereign individuals can govern. Each man woman and child must accept and understand that they are responsible for their very own existence, and that existence in return impacts each and every other being on this earth no matter directly or indirectly, the impact is great.

Understanding that your actions have more bearings than you may have initialing suspected will in theory entice humans to be more conscious of their decisions, and to take more responsibility for those actions and repercussions that come with those decisions.

I have a dream that it was intended for all men and women to live and Be Free, as sovereign individuals we can convene together as conquers of our destinies and serve the greater good of all mankind.

Written by: M. Hamilton May 21, 2011

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They say its not the dress that makes the woman, but the designer who made the dress.